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why Register?

Registration is a voluntary act that recognizes an individual’s commitment to be accountable for their behavior as a professional. Formal acknowledgment of the essential connection between personal responsibility and professional integrity across the discipline of archaeology is what sets RPAs and RAs apart.

Benefits of Registration

  • Your professional home – The Register of Professional Archaeologists is international and the largest archaeological professional registry in the Americas—and we have a place for you!

  • Work in more places – Registration is required to do archaeological work in many jurisdictions - and the list is growing every day.

  • Support for professionalism – Our grievance process protects RPAs/RAs who follow the Code of Conduct (Code) and Standards for Research Performance (Standards). The Register of Professional Archaeologists supports RPAs/RAs against frivolous allegations when an investigation shows they upheld the Code and Standards.

  • Education – We screen and certify continuing professional education programs and notify RPAs/RAs of these opportunities to improve their professional practice in diverse and dynamic discipline.

  • Marketing – The Register of Professional Archaeologists promotes the use of RPAs/RAs through advertising and outreach to industry associations and the public. We increase the demand for RPAs/RAs by promoting the advantages of the use of registered, accountable professionals to those who hire archaeologists.
  • Get paid more – RPAs/RAs can earn higher salaries and have greater job responsibilities than archaeologists who are not registered.
  • With your Registration you will get: 
    • A customizable professional profile
    • Tools for connecting and collaborating with archaeological colleagues
    • Team management capabilities, such as workspaces, message boards, and more
    • An easy way to manage your RPA account and renew your registration
    • Exclusive access to premium workshops
    • Specialty use of JSTOR resources.
    • Access to lower or no cost professional development opportunities.
    • Collaborative and dynamic opportunities for career growth
    • Professional networking opportunities
    • ... and much more!

Photo Credit: Michael Spears, RPA 17067

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Updated Feb 2025

requirements for rpa registration

    Registered Professional Archaeologist


    Advanced/graduate degree (e.g., MA, MS, MST, or PhD in the US) from an accredited institution or international equivalent, as verified by the Registrar.


    Anthropology, Archaeology, Classics, or another germane discipline with a specialization in archaeology from an accredited institution.

    Specializations, such as zooarchaeology, geoarchaeology, human osteology, museum collections, and similar specializations are accepted as long as education and academic research included a focus on archaeological research topics.


    24 months in a supervisory capacity performing the more complex duties of directing fieldwork or archaeological collections research and reporting with demonstrated experience bringing research to conclusion (for example, but not limited to, Principal Investigator in the US or international equivalent).

    Experience includes field survey, excavation, artifact cataloging and/or analysis, site recording to applicable government or ministry standards, reporting, and/or GIS/mapping. Field school as a participant (e.g., student) does not meet this requirement. Curation and conservation, without addressing archaeological research topics, does not meet

    this requirement.

    Research Document

    Thesis or dissertation addressing an explicit archaeological research problem as currently required, or if no thesis was required, two technical reports prepared as a sole or primary author that demonstrate substantive data analysis directed towards an explicit archaeological research problem.

    Archaeological sites and/or collections must have been identified and/or studied during the analysis.


    None required.


    Accept Register's Code and Standards and Grievance Procedures.

    requirements for ra registration

      Registered Archaeologist


      Undergraduate degree (e.g., BA or BS in the US) from an accredited institution, or certification program, or AA/AS, or international equivalent, as verified by the Registrar.


      Anthropology, Archaeology, Classics, or another germane discipline with a specialization in archaeology from an accredited institution.

      Specializations, such as zooarchaeology, geoarchaeology, human osteology, museum collections, and similar specializations are accepted as long as education and academic research included a focus on archaeological research topics.


      24 months of supervised experience (employment, internship, volunteer) for a professional entity under the direct supervision of someone meeting the qualifications of an RPA, as verified by the Registrar. If the supervisor is an active RPA in good standing, then qualifications for the supervisor need not be submitted for verification by the Registrar.

      Field schools may count for up to four weeks of supervised experience.

      Research Document

      Thesis-equivalent document that includes substantive data analysis by the applicant directed towards an explicit archaeological research problem or one technical report, for which the applicant is a sole or joint author with someone meeting the qualifications of an RPA, that demonstrates data documentation and interpretation of an archaeological research topic.

      Archaeological sites and/or collections must have been identified and/or studied during the analysis. If a joint author is identified and is an active RPA in good standing, then qualifications for the joint author need not be submitted for verification by the Registrar.


      Two references, at least one of which shall be from an RPA member in good standing. The other may be a professor or other professional familiar with the applicant's skills and abilities.


      Accept Register's Code and Standards and Grievance Procedures.

      Requirements for Student/Early Career Registration

        Student/Early Career


        Currently enrolled in an accredited higher educational institution (college or university) or graduated in the past two years.


        Anthropology, Archaeology, Classics, or another germane discipline with a specialization in archaeology from an accredited institution.


        None required.

        Research Document

        None required.


        One reference, either from an RPA member in good standing, a professor, or other professional familiar with the applicant's skills and abilities.


        Accept Register's Code and Standards and Grievance Procedures.

        Register of Professional Archaeologists
        700 N Carr Rd, Box 86
        Plainfield, IN  46168

        Phone: (317) 798-3001

        Grievance Hotline: (410) 246-2150

        You do not have to be an RPA/RA to file a Grievance


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